/ about is an open-source project by Nemo that curates events happening in Bangalore.

It curates events from multiple sources, cleans them up, then curates them further by tagging them nicely, and makes all event data available as calendars you can subscribe to.

Core Thesis

My attempt at explaining why I think this is worth doing:

  1. The vast majority of events in aggregator websites are low-quality, and often filled with spam1. The aggregators make money by listing lots of events.

  2. Small venues hosting cool events will not always publicize them on the aggregator platforms.

  3. The best UX for event discovery is your existing calendar app.

  4. Events are highly structured data - but this is often not captured.


Ultimately, my master plan is to give you your own personalized calendar feed, where you get infinite customizability2, and create a calendar which will include:

and so on…

You can see my TODO list for the project at /roadmap.


This project is born out of a very old idea of mine, when it was called gardencity.events3. The original idea was to create a Bangalore specific clone of we build! sg 4, which was a website automatically curating maker events in Singapore. My first attempt in 2018 went nowhere. It was further pushed by the success of Putting Scenes (now Venn) - event curation seemed like an interesting problem to solve.

  1. See this search for “luxury” on townscript to realize that the site has been taken over by real-estate agents. 

  2. We will let you write your own SQL Queries. 

  3. Unfortunately, the domain was taken by a squatter in the time it took me to get around to working on it. 

  4. Now defunct, but see this archived version from 2017 to see a snapshot of the site when it was functional.